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作者: xieang_007 发布时间:2022-01-25 22:37:02
作者: 樹 发布时间:2021-08-12 18:43:39
作者: 可乐爱吃爆米花 发布时间:2021-01-01 12:37:16
作者: 这里什么都没有 发布时间:2024-01-21 20:44:46
作者: 口袋_肥力士 发布时间:2011-03-30 17:36:44
作者: 功夫熊猫小碗熊 发布时间:2012-02-23 15:59:32
Theories of Capitalism这门课到这一周,出现了金融和实体经济运作需要分开论述的情况,因为东方出现了新型生产模式。老师本人有参与的一个项目,全面考察了1980年代末扩散至全球的日本式精益生产模式,从原料供应、产品设计、流水线管理到成品销售方面优于西方大工厂生产体系的方方面面。由于项目参与者主要是产业组织和管理专家,及业界人士,对组织管理体系方面的细节描述几乎巨细无遗,乃至统计出当时世界各大车厂的生产效率,令人咋舌。不过在政治及金融方面的implication论述较少。我比较感兴趣的是精益生产在西方落地是否会对金融和投资体系产生一定的影响,及精益生产中工会的地位,不过作者除了推介日本式财团控股和雇佣关系在保持灵活性、维持资金稳定和提高员工士气上的优点外,别无太多论述。
作者:Hammer_ 发布时间:2012-08-07 13:15:35
这本大量的实验会把人弄晕,但是无可否认本书的价值,干货很多,和之前读过的<Master>,<How life imitates chess>所说的观点有相通之处,顿时有种融会贯通的感觉,更加坚定了自己需要掌握的理念。
1. 意志力是有限的,用一点少一点(所以一天计划要完成好几样你觉得很费力很厌烦的任务,你会很有挫败感)
2. 每一项任务你都会使用同样的意志力
4. 能完美运用“意志”的人是那些根本没意识到自己在运用意志的人,自律的最高境界是不用自律,关键在于培养良好的习惯。
但是长期下去,必败无疑,只会给你带来挫败感。 (我自己也一样,规定自己在某段时间看很多书,写书评,还要好好学专业课,每晚都要去健身,现在还要花时间看林书豪)
Each time you try to follow one, you reduce your capacity for all the others
所以,人们在新年做的New Year’s resolutions,作者认为,没有人有足够意志力完成你的“新年清单”,聪明的做法是,永远都没做新年计划,把任务列出首先次序,一样一样完成。
A better plan is to make one resolution and stick to it. That’s challenge enough.
意志力是可以锻炼并且增长的,The more the body suffers, the more the spirit flowers.
The Future Of Willpower------MORE GAIN, LESS STRAIN
As long as you don’t procrastinate
By Hammer
The most commonly resisted desire in the beeper study was the urge to eat, followed by the urge to sleep, and then by the urge for leisure, like taking a break from work by doing a puzzle or game instead of writing a memo. Sexual urges were next on the list of most-resisted desires, a little ahead of urges for other kinds of interactions, like checking e-mail and social-networking sites, surfing the Web, listening to music, or watching television
In psychology, brilliant theories are cheap. People like to think of the field advancing thanks to some thinker’s startling new insight, but that’s not how it usually works. Coming up with ideas isn’t the hard part. Everyone has a pet theory for why we do what we do, which is why psychologists get sick of hearing their discoveries dismissed with “Oh, my grandmother knew that.” Progress generally comes not from theories but from someone finding a clever way to test a theory, as Walter Mischel did. He and his colleagues weren’t theorizing about self-regulation—in fact, they didn’t even discuss their results in terms of self-control or willpower until many years later
Will involves treating the current situation as part of a general pattern. Smoking one cigarette will not jeopardize your health. Taking heroin once will not make you addicted. One piece of cake won’t make you fat, and skipping one assignment won’t ruin your career. But in order to stay healthy and employed, you must treat (almost) every episode as a reflection of the general need to resist these temptations. That’s where conscious self-control comes in, and that’s why it makes the difference between success and failure in just about every aspect of life
Acquiring self-control isn’t as magically simple as the techniques in modern self-help books, but neither does it have to be as grim as the Victorians made it out to be. Ultimately, self-control lets you relax because it removes stress and enables you to conserve willpower for the important challenges. We’re confident that this book’s lessons can make your life not just more productive and fulfilling but also easier and happier. And we can guarantee that you will not have to endure any sermons against bare ankles
Willpower looked like much more than a metaphor. It seemed to be like a muscle that could be fatigued through use
1.You have a finite amount of willpower that becomes depleted as you use it.
2. You use the same stock of willpower for all manner of tasks
Focus on one project at a time. If you set more than one self-improvement goal, you may succeed for a while by drawing on reserves to power through, but that just leaves you more depleted and more prone to serious mistakes later.
When people have to make a big change in their lives, their efforts are undermined if they are trying to make other changes as well
Above all, don’t make a list of New Year’s resolutions,No one has enough willpower for that list
Each time you try to follow one, you reduce your capacity for all the others
A better plan is to make one resolution and stick to it. That’s challenge enough. There will be moments when that will still seem like one resolution too many, but perhaps you can persevere
“You know, humans are capable of incredible things,” she says. “If you simply decide that you’re not going to move, you just don’t move.
For most of us, though, the problem is not a lack of goals but rather too many of them. We make daily to-do lists that couldn’t be accomplished even if there were no interruptions during the day, which there always are. By the time the weekend arrives, there are more unfinished tasks than ever, but we keep deferring them and expecting to get through them with miraculous speed. That’s why, as productivity experts have found, an executive’s daily to-do list for Monday often contains more work than could be done the entire week.
We can be even more unrealistic in setting longer-term goal
First, you worry a lot.
Second, you get less done
Third, your health suffers, physically as well as mentally.
Life rarely goes exactly according to plan, and so the daily plans can be demoralizing as soon as you fall off schedule. With a monthly plan, you can make adjustments. If a delay arises one day, your plan is still intact
Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a price to avoid the emotion of loss,” Ariely says. Sometimes that makes sense, but too often we’re so eager to keep options open that we don’t see the long-term price that we’re paying—or that others are paying. When you won’t settle for less than a perfect mate, you end up with no one. When parents can never say no to projects at the office, their children suffer at home. When a judge can’t bring himself to make a hard decision about parole, he’s quite literally closing the door on the prisoner’s cell.
Getting your brain wired into little goals and achieving them, that helps you achieve the bigger things you shouldn’t be able to do,” he said. “It’s not just practicing the specific thing. It’s always making things more difficult than they should be, and never falling short, so that you have that extra reserve, that tank, so you know you can always go further than your goal. For me that’s what discipline is. It’s repetition and practice.
Yet self-control improved among people who were encouraged to think in high-level terms, and got worse among those who thought in low-level terms. Different measures were used in assorted experiments, but the results were consistent. After engaging in high-level thinking, people were more likely to pass up a quick reward for something better in the future. When asked to squeeze a handgrip, they could hold on longer. The results showed that a narrow, concrete, here-and-now focus works against self-control, whereas a broad, abstract, long-term focus supports it.
Exercising self-control in one area seemed to improve all areas of life.
All in all, these findings point toward the remarkable benefits of exercising willpower. Without realizing it, people gained a wide array of benefits in areas of their lives that had nothing to do with the specific exercises they were performing. And the lab tests provided an explanation: Their willpower gradually got stronger, so it was less readily depleted. Focusing on one specific form of self-control could yield much larger benefits, just as self-experimenters from Ben Franklin to David Blaine had maintained. The experiments showed that you didn’t have to start off with the exceptional self-control of a Franklin or a Blaine to benefit: As long as you were motivated to do some kind of exercise, your overall willpower could improve, at least over the course of the experiment
俞敏洪就说过,成功做过一件事, 你就会相信自己会成功做成以后的事, 这是你自己为自己建立过的高度, 你就是比没做成过什么事的人要牛那么一点,
Our willpower has made us the most adaptable creatures on the planet, and we’re rediscovering how to help one another use it.
We’re learning, once again, hat willpower is the virtue that sets our species apart,
and that makes each one of us strong
作者:Chole_Ma 发布时间:2019-03-25 10:13:50
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